Special House of Product
"S.H.O.P." is an acronym for "Special House of Product," a secret interdimensional goods storefront where various rare and common items are sold and traded throughout New Allure City domestically, as well as inter-dimensionally.
In order to keep its clientele fresh, S.H.O.P. changes planetary locations every 30 years.
The Boss Man
"S.H.O.P.," managed by a man known as Boss, is a venture characterized by its money-hungry and often cranky leader. Boss, who is rarely seen without a cigarette, is constantly plotting his next business move. Despite his irritable demeanor, Boss is remarkably animated and energetic when it comes to deals.
The origins of S.H.O.P., the number of planets it has inhabited, and how it travels between planets remain unclear. What is known, however, is that Boss settled in New Allure City just one year after the Grand Disaster.

At that time, S.H.O.P. had two employees handling day-to-day operations: Star, an elven-like girl responsible for front-end and customer service, and Joe, who managed back-end stock, custom orders, and, formerly, deliveries.
During the events of Stage 3, (Chapter 3) Satoshi Inomata accidentally falls through Boss's roof. Unable to pay for damages, Boss places Satoshi in a debt contract, appointing him as the new messenger boy until the debt is settled.

S.H.O.P.'s communication system operates on the potent black-market web system known as Tenebre. Through Tenebre, Boss & Co. gain access to a diverse range of information and data spanning the dimensional web.
In the events of Stage 6, (Chapter 6) Joe assists Satoshi and the crew in researching information about S. Hakkai and Silvestria August. The Tenebre system successfully cross-references and retrieves data files on the two DFA soldiers from various information sites and leaked documents on the Black Web.